other ways to give

Other Ways to Give

Donor Advised Funds (DAF)

  • Tax Deduction Flexibility: Immediate tax deduction when contributing to a DAF, even if the church receives the donation later.
  • Tax-Free Growth: Contributions grow tax-free within the DAF, allowing for potentially larger future donations.
  • Consolidated Giving: Simplifies charitable giving by managing multiple donations from one account.
  • Flexibility in Timing: Donors can give to the church on their own timeline, when the church may need it most.
  • Legacy Planning: DAFs can be integrated into estate planning to ensure continued support for churches after the donor’s passing.

Appreciated Assets and Stocks

  • Avoid Capital Gains Taxes: Donors can avoid paying capital gains taxes on appreciated stocks, maximizing the value of their donation.
  • Full Market Value Deduction: Donors can deduct the full fair market value of the stock, even if its value has significantly appreciated.
  • Increased Charitable Impact: The church receives the full value of the stock without the donor needing to sell it and pay taxes.
  • Simplified Donation Process: Stock donations can be a straightforward process, often simpler than liquidating assets and donating cash.
  • Planned Giving Strategy: Stocks can be used for larger, long-term gifts as part of a comprehensive estate or charitable giving plan.

Retirement Accounts

If you are 70½ or older, you can give a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) directly to Lake Sawyer Church as a Qualified Charitable Deduction (QCD). Your QCD donation will not be taxed when it is sent directly to a charity. To learn more, contact your financial advisor.

Who can I contact if I need help with planned giving?

Lake Sawyer Finance is available to answer any questions you have! Just send an email to finance@lakesawyerchurch.org or give us a call at 360-302-8060. 
Tax ID: 91-1076499