thank you
for making an impact

So far we have received $16,500 towards special Impact projects. Thank you!
Your willingness to go above and beyond helped us to upgrade the kids' electronic check-in systems, improve our photo/video equipment, purchase a new baptistry and send students to camp!
Below are projects we are working towards in the coming year. We look forward  to partnering with you! 


Each year we arrange for students  to attend a Christ-centered summer camp, where they have the opportunity to have a life-changing encounter with Jesus in an environment that is unplugged from cell phones and peer pressures. We have created a scholarship fund that assures any student who wishes to attend a camp is able to do so, regardless of their ability to pay.

Our goal this year is to raise $5,000 to offset the costs of camps for kids and students. If you would like to make a gift to this fund, click the button below and note 'Camp Scholarships' in the memo.


Our campus is almost 20 years old and is in need capital improvements. Our priority items include new roofing and replacing  the remaining HVAC units, as well as continued advancement in worship  & production equipment.

Our goal this year is to raise $20,000 to help fund these investments. If you would like to make a gift to this fund, click the button below and note 'Campus' in the memo.


We are always trying to find new ways to reach and support our community.

Our goal this year is to raise $10,000 to fund local outreach efforts . If you would like to make a gift to this fund, click the button below and note 'Outreach' in the memo. 
Donations to these projects will not be treated as designated gifts exclusively for the project to which the donation was made. If we receive donations more than the published financial need, we will redirect those additional funds to other projects, subject to the discretion and oversight of the Lake Sawyer Church leadership.