Page Header Group Leader Resources

Helping people belong in community, believe in Jesus, and become who God created them to be.

Belong : People are rooted in relationship with one another. 

 Great leaders establish & facilitate relationships
with and among the people in their group.

Believe: People’s lives are
centered on Christ.  

Great leaders help guide their group
members to grow spiritually.

Become: Multiplication is happening intentionally in our influence.  

Great leaders guide group members
 out of their comfort zones.


Everything you need as a leader to launch your group well
Tips for Leading a Group Discussion:
As a leader there are some things you should know about leading a group discussion.​​​
Sharing Stories in Group:
Sharing stories with one another can be one of the best, most bonding experiences your for your group to go through.​​​
Snack Sign Up Sheet:
Rotating who brings snack is a great way to share ownership. Download & print this resource to get the ball rolling! ​http://Snack Sign Up.pdf ​​​


One of the most common questions leaders ask is
“What should we study next?” We know this question can be overwhelming! 


Icebreaker, or fun ideas for your group can be overwhelming. We're here to help.
Group Checkpoint
This 1-session study provides the opportunity for your group to celebrate how God is working and to determine a plan for continued growth. ​​​​


Leaders keep learning and growing. 
Encouraging Spiritual Growth
What can we do to encourage our group members to grow spiritually? Check out this helpful conversation on spiritual growth in groups.​​​
The Moral Circle
Your group doesn’t expect you to have all the answers, but they do expect you to care.​​​
Multiply Yourself – The Process
What does it look like to replace yourself as a leader and where do you start? Focus on identifying, inviting, and investing in your group members.  ​​​​
How to Identify an Apprentice
Are you unsure about what qualities to seek in an apprentice? We've crafted this checklist to assist you in pinpointing potential future leaders from among your group members. ​​​​


How your group ends has a huge influence on how your group members will look back on the entire group experience.
This page  is designed to provide everything you need to lead your group well.
If you have any questions about any of the resources, contact our Connections Director, Jennifer Lawless.