2021 - 2022

A N N U A L  R E P O R T

I think I’ve started our annual report for the last two years with some form of the line, “unprecedented challenges or obstacles, but God is faithful.” I realize that will always be true. Every year will have unique difficulties, challenges, and obstacles; “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

Jesus is the hope of the world, and the local church is the expression of it. We express it by shining the light of Jesus everywhere we go, and through everything we do, and I’m excited to share with you some of ways we have done that over the past 12 months. As you read this report my hope is that your response is the same as mine. "Thank God, I can’t wait to see what He does next!

- Mike Ferrulli


At Lake Sawyer Church, we believe we grow spiritually when we gather together purposefully as a church. It requires effort and intentionality from each of us to commit to worship God and hear His Word together every week. That's how we build community. A place where  we worship together, pray for each other, help those around us find Jesus, and encourage each other to follow Him more wholeheartedly.  



(+ 102% from last year)



(- 4% from last year)


Our desire is to transform the community by being someone’s first church, not simply their next church. We will accomplish this by purposefully engaging those in our community who do not yet know Jesus. A tremendous indicator of transformation is the celebration of baptism – the public demonstration of a personal decision to follow Christ. In the last 12 months 28 lives were transformed as we celebrated baptisms! In five years, 100 people have been baptized at Lake Sawyer Church. If you are ready to take that step, click the link below.



(+87% from last year)


Nothing we do at Lake Sawyer is possible without the support, effort, energy, and passion of our volunteers. From students operating the cameras, to adults leading groups or welcoming guests (and everything in between), we’ve found that when we serve selflessly our time, expertise, and ability we discover a deeper sense of belonging.  They are more than a group of volunteers helping on a weekend; they are a connection that allows people to live out their purpose with passion.

Are you part of that number yet? Don't let excuses stand in the way of what you know God is calling you to do. God will strengthen and empower you with what you need.



(-11% from last year)


Community groups make a large church seem smaller. They allow you to be authentic, build relationships, go deeper in biblical discussions, connect deeply, and more. 



(+23% from last year)


What started out as a way to help people connect with God, the Church, and their purpose, has  developed into so much more. This incredible next step in a person’s faith journey was designed for everyone, from the first-time guest to the person who has been attending Lake Sawyer for a decade or more. Rooted has become a dynamic room filled with an average of 30 people engaging in dialog, sharing testimonies and stories, and seeing God moving! One such story is that of Alison who is one of the 157 people who have taken Rooted since 2021. 




Transforming lives doesn’t just happen at the physical location of our campus. Our reach extends well beyond that through our online presence on our Livestream, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. When you share a Lake Sawyer worship experience or post, you impact someone’s life.

Messages Watched Online


(+9% from last year)

Lake Sawyer App Downloads


(+20% from last year)

Social Media Followers

Website Visits


(+5% from last year)


(+53% from last year)


We believe the social fabric of the community will be stronger and families will be better because the Church is present. Lake Sawyer Church is diligent and intentional about immersing ourselves within our community. Here are just a few of the ways we supported our community in the past year: partnership with the American Red Cross and incredible blood donations, carts of school supplies to the Maple Valley Food Bank, survival kit treat bags distributed to our Black Diamond firefighters, family game night kits to Vine Maple Place, financial assistance provided to 85 families through our benevolence ministry, and so much more!


(+43% from last year)

Care Ministries:  30%

Community Outreach:  22%

Local & Global Support: 34%

Missions: 14%


You have blown us away with your faithful giving. As a result, we’ve been able to send dollars out the door for kingdom purposes. Your generosity has made a powerful impact on church plants, non-profits, and individuals in our community and abroad. 
We don’t give to the church but, rather, we give through the church, and your giving will go to new works, new initiatives, new groups, and reach new people.

Annual Budget and Financial Controls

Our leadership team prepares, and our board of elders reviews and approves an annual budget for each fiscal year. We carefully track our income and expenses to ensure we are staying within our budget. We have appropriate management and internal controls to ensure that all of our operations are carried out, and all of our resources are used in a biblical and responsible manner and in conformity with applicable laws and regulations. We have policies that provide a way for employees and church members to confidentially report concerns about suspected financial misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud.

Annual Audit and Financial Statements

We prepare complete and accurate financial statements in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Our financial statements are audited annually by an outside accounting firm with expertise in non-profits, tax-exempt organizations, and are available upon request.

Questions? Contact: finance@lakesawyerchurch.org